

Many, many years ago I was going to a nightclub with a group of friends.

We got there and one guy in our group was denied entry by the bouncer because of his shoes (he had pointy toed boots – winkel pickers were having a resurgence at the time). So we all had to leave (we weren’t going to leave him on his own outside).

We walked back to his hotel, where he changed his shoes, and then we walked back to the nightclub.

As we lined up to get in again, the bouncer on the door recognised him, called him to jump ahead in the queue, and let him in for free in as a reward for taking the time and effort to change his shoes.

But the rest of us had to wait, and then pay to enter.

I’m sure there’s a lesson in there somewhere for me, but I’ve never really worked out what it is.

It was a good night though.

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By Craig Bailey
