Hi, I’m Craig Bailey and this is my personal blog where I write about technology, business systems, HubSpot and general life experiences. You can read my posts here.

(If you are looking for the Content is King post by Bill Gates it is here)

I’m involved with three agencies in Sydney:

  • The first is XEN Systems. We help government departments and mid-large B2B technology companies with their sales and marketing strategy, including implementation and training in HubSpot 
  • The second is XEN Create. We provide premium graphic design services to companies, with a focus on using the latest AI tools, including Midjourney
  • The third is XEN Solar, where we help high quality solar companies (dealers, installers) with their sales and marketing processes.

I also co-host HubShots, the podcast and YouTube show focussed on getting the most out of HubSpot. We are the creators of the HubShots Framework.

Craig Bailey presenting

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TIP: Wikipedia Search from IE7


Another one I didn't realise existed… IE7 has a simple way of adding other Search engines to the Search box. Just choose the Find more providers… option. The one I use the most is the Wikipedia option – it's very handy to search for a term on Google (my default engine) and the also check it out on Wikipedia just using the drop down. (Firefox and other browsers have...

VFP: Visual FoxPro Sedna release – biggest launch ever!


TechCrunch went into meltdown with the news. CNN covered it live. And Super Tuesday has been rescheduled to cope with the disruption… Amazingly though, in what I can only imagine is an embarrassing oversight, there was no press release about it. In possibly the tiniest launch announcement I've ever seen (you'll need hours to read through this comprehensive overview – NOT)...

ELCOM: Career Plans for Developers – Part II


Further to my post about career plans for developers at Elcom, I wanted to mention the approach of encouraging staff to build their personal profiles. It can be summed up in this attitude: Your job (as a developer and employee) is to be so good that you are being chased by head-hunters all the time. My job (as Technical Director) is to make the work environment so good that you don't want to...

MSDN Code Gallery – a great resource


Microsoft Code GalleryOne of things I found myself saying when going through the excellent How Do I videos is: Where's the code? Here's the answer.Thanks Microsoft. (via Beth Massi and Soma) Also check out wOOdy's Visual FoxPro code snippets. Complaints I don't usually like to complain when something good like this comes out, but gee I wish Microsoft could improve the whole user...

Redfin and Real Estate


I've always thought Real Estate agents are more of a hindrance than a help, and wondered why on earth we need them? There's plenty of problems with the whole 'I'll sell your house for you, charge you, but maybe not work in your best interest if it suits me to just sell it to someone so I can get my commission' business model.After all, it is easy to find properties on the web...

Is the Tipping Point Toast? Who cares?


It's been blogged to death I know, but I wanted to link to it anyway. Article: Is the Tipping Point toast? My answer: Who cares? And with that in mind, why an I even linking to it? Here's a summary for people who couldn't be bothered reading it all: Malcolm Gladwell's famous book makes a big point about key influencers. Duncan Watts, a network-theory scientist from Columbia...

Gobbledygook – graphed


What a classic – David Meerman Scott analyses the use of meaning phrases by news services.
Topping the list: 'next generation', 'robust' and 'world class'.
See also his Gobbledygook Manifesto.
Great stuff – perfect for your next game of wank bingo.

Technorati Tags: Gobbledygook

What does a web CMS do?


I'm not sure if I agree with the simplicity of this, but it does highlight a common misconception about CMS systems. The CMS manages the content of course, but these days it often needs to provide much more 'out of the box'. At Elcom, where I work for example, we are positioning our CMS product as the platform that you build your line of business (LOB) applications on. It needs to...
