Hi, I’m Craig Bailey and this is my personal blog where I write about technology, business systems, HubSpot and general life experiences. You can read my posts here.

(If you are looking for the Content is King post by Bill Gates it is here)

I’m involved with three agencies in Sydney:

  • The first is XEN Systems. We help government departments and mid-large B2B technology companies with their sales and marketing strategy, including implementation and training in HubSpot 
  • The second is XEN Create. We provide premium graphic design services to companies, with a focus on using the latest AI tools, including Midjourney
  • The third is XEN Solar, where we help high quality solar companies (dealers, installers) with their sales and marketing processes.

I also co-host HubShots, the podcast and YouTube show focussed on getting the most out of HubSpot. We are the creators of the HubShots Framework.

Craig Bailey presenting

Latest stories

Web Directions South – Day 1


[NOTE: I wrote this post and the next over a week ago. But I wanted to hold off posting them until I’d had a little bit of time to reflect.] I had the pleasure of attending Web Directions South today – my first time. It’s interesting to compare it to TechEd from a few weeks ago in terms of how a conference turns out. Web Directions is much smaller of course, and has a nice intimate feel...

Steve Ballmer and Sydney Developers


Fin has posted the news that Steve Ballmer wants to chat with developers when he comes to Sydney in November. Get ready for all those ‘Developers, Developers, Developers’ jokes. Seriously though, I think this will be a good thing – at the MVP Summit earlier this year, listening to Steve talk about his passion for the developer community was really inspiring (note: not to be confused with...

Windows Live Writer Beta


I only just downloaded the new beta of Windows Live Writer today. I’ve been using this gem of a program for the last few years, and it just gets better and better. The UI is ever so slightly improved (especially the toolbars) but other than that it is essentially the same awesome program its always been. By the way I’ve finally started using the hot keys (I can’t remember if they were there...

Sydney ALT.NET User Group review #altnetsyd


I went along to the Sydney ALT.NET User group tonight, and was well rewarded. This was the kickoff meeting for the group and was an excellent start to what is sure to be an extremely useful gathering each month. Richard Banks was MC for the night, and started with news. I was pleased to hear good discussion amongst the attendees, and comfortable interaction. There’s nothing worse than a meeting...

LINK: Image Composite Editor (ICE)


Microsoft Research have released the Image Composite Editor (referred to as ICE by some, including the installer). It is ‘an advanced panoramic image stitcher’. It’s only 3MB and does a very nice job. It’s also very fast. Here’s two photos from our trip to New York that I stitched together. Plus I used the perspective tool to add some interest. Just for fun I tried to stitch together...

Microsoft IT Showcase


Microsoft gets more than 25 million spam submissions a day. Makes sense I guess, they’re a big company. I discovered this staggering stat going through their Microsoft IT* Showcase write-up on moving to Exchange Hosted Services. I’m not an IT Pro so the article probably isn’t aimed at me – but I still found it an interesting article to scan through. Microsoft basically transitioned the...

SQL: SQL Server 2008 is a value leader (but in what?)


Benchmarks are like statistics – they are only relevant in context. Take this new TPC-E benchmark from the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) as an example. If you were to read the gushing Microsoft Press Release you’d be forgiven for thinking that SQL Server 2008 topped out the list of all major database vendors in terms of price/performance. Here’s the quote: Of course what...

Office Outlook Connector Beta 2


There’s a new Outlook Connector released, and this one improves the sync features with Windows Live Calendar. Supposedly. I had a play with Windows Live Calendar and I quite liked it. Having the connector would make it seamless to share calendar items. So I downloaded and installed it. Ran up Outlook and it crashed. Try again. Crash. Uninstalled the Outlook Connector and it still crashes...

REVIEW: ClearContext


If I were a software company producing productivity enhancing tools I’d love to have a tag line of: Use ‘X’ – it’ll save you at least a minute a day! I think this would be interesting for a number of reasons: It’s believable People would be able to easily verify the claim (much better than that ‘improves performance by 39.8%’ tosh we get bombarded with) The claim is so tiny it...

ELCOM: Web Content Management


Product good. Marketing… not so good It’s been an interesting exercise thinking about marketing at Elcom over the last few months. In my opinion (biased as I am) I think we have an excellent product. However, something we haven’t been very good at is the marketing side of things. Often people have heard of us, but they don’t really know what we do. We mention that we have  a content...
