Impressively Useless


Let’s chat about those impressively useless people you’ve probably come across over the course of your career.

In corporates mainly, and mostly guys by the way.

They’re well meaning, nice people, so they’re not not terrible people by any any stretch.

But they don’t get much done.

They’re really good at presentations, lots of meetings, lots of catch-ups, lots of slide decks, lots of talking, great communicators, quite confident, trying to be helpful, trying to be friends.

But not actually driving much value.

And you know how you can tell if someone’s impressively useless?

When they leave – which they ultimately do two to three years on in their role off to their next corporate ladder climbing position – they don’t leave any holes behind.

There’s no disruption. No loss.

People remember them: ‘oh yeah nice person’ but what did they do?

‘Not quite sure what they were doing but yeah great person…’

There’s a whole strata of these people in corporates, but not for long.

People have been saying lately that AI is going to be replacing jobs, getting rid of workers…

Well this is a type of worker that’s going to be gone, because anything that they were doing – impressive slide decks, communication in meetings, etc – stuff like that is easily replaced with AI.

Impressively useless.

Soon to be gone.

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By Craig Bailey
