Not my usual type of blog entry, so here’s something I’ll blame on jetlag:
English magazines are a little scarce in Zurich, so we brought over a stack of them for Michele’s sister. One of them was Womans Days (see blog photo entry below). Anyway, I was glancing through this and couldn’t help noticing the headline article about Danni Minogue and her fab new body.
How has she achieved this? Well, before you say ‘Who gives a…’, have a look at what the clowns at the mag have done. They’ve taken a lame shot of her running down the beach with a friend and touched it up for the cover.
I’ve placed the page 8 photo onto the cover so you can compare them. Hmmm her friend has gone. The water is a lot different. Her thighs have magically shrunk, as have her hips. Even her arm pit has come in for treatment.
Now, we all know this happens all the time in magazines. What astounds me is that Womans Day can’t even be bothered trying to hide it. Or is this a regular thing? Perhaps I need to read more of these magazines…
So how did she achieve her fab new body? What exactly is ‘The diet that made her slim, sexy and happy at last’? You decide.