CodeCampOz and SBTUG this month


I’m heading home from the US of A today, which sees me arrive back in Sydney (hopefully) on Thursday morning 24 April.


The next day I head down to Wagga for CodeCampOz. That finishes up on Sunday (27 April) and I fly back to Sydney that night.


On Monday I’m back in the office, ready to start spreading the good news to the team (within NDA guidelines of course – the best comment I read on Twitter regarding disclosure was this: What happens in Seattle, stays in Seattle).

It’s going to be an interesting week. We’ve been working through the Elcom strategy lately, and it’s time to change gears a little. The MVP Summit couldn’t have come at a better time.


Next Wednesday (30 April) we’ve got the Sydney Business & Technology User Group (SBTUG) on. Mitch Denny is presenting on the Evolution of Enterprise Software Development. This will be interesting for all attendees since Mitch is such a thinker as well as accomplished developer. More details here.

Perhaps not quite so interesting (and hence why I’m presenting second – you can leave after half-time pizza if you like) will be my presentation on the Microsoft 2008 stack. I say ‘perhaps’ because if you have been caught up in all the recent launch events then you’ll know pretty much everything I’ll be covering.

It’ll be a high level overview of Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. It’ll be focused on business benefits of these products, as opposed to just highlighting features, and I promise not to get caught up doing marketecture fluff. It’ll be looking at things like the differences between Windows Standard and Web Server editions, the benefits of IIS7, What it means to ‘target’ different Framework versions, Why spatial data types are important and things like that.

At our last meeting there were a number of people who requested more information on the stack, so my session aims to introduce it all. In future meetings we’ll drill into a little more detail.

But make sure you come for Mitch Denny’s session.

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By Craig Bailey
