
Stephen King loves Britney Spears

Well, not really. This wonderful interview with Stephen by Time magazine is a nice rebuke to what the media tells us is important news. IF the media is right about what is important to the public, then we should be making Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan the Time Persons of the Year. Or so claims Stephen. He makes a good point. Technorati Tags: Stephen King, Time Magazine, Britney Spears, Lindsay...

Windows GMail

From Google Blogoscoped comes this gem on what GMail would look like if Microsoft had designed it. It's too close to reality to be funny… :-)
Technorati Tags: Microsoft GMail, Blogoscoped

CLASSIC: Mark’s Infinite Solutions

This is seriously one of the funniest sites I have witnessed – I was in pain laughing at some of his amazing solutions. The attention to detail is priceless. The best IMO is his tip to increase WiFi strength, followed by his now famous How to Sign Up for GoogleTV Beta, but all of them are good. Mark Erickson is a genius. Even reading his blog is amusing. There are more of his videos on...

HAPPY: Michele Connolly – Happiness Strategies – Why being happy matters

I’ve mentioned the amazing(1) Michele Connolly(2) previously, but that was before she had even finished her first How NOT to be Happy series. Now with 62 posts under her belt, I’m *happy* to report her writing just gets better and better. Whilst some of her posts are laugh out loud funny, and others are pithy, research based insights, there are also thought provoking ones like her...

Email scams still pull in the suckers

Anyone reading today's news article on an email scam involving the late Kerry Packer would probably smile at the humour of it all. After all, who falls for these grammatically incorrect, spelling mistake-ridden spamming irritations. Well, scroll down to the bottom of the article – apparently plenty of well informed Aussies do. Disturbingly, $500K a month is sent from Queensland alone...

PERSONAL: Why have a link blog?

A few people have asked me why I now have a link blog (URL here, RSS here). There are a few reasons. The main reason is the signal to noise ratio. Here on my main blog, I like to keep the S/N ratio pretty high. I try to consider posts carefully before posting them, and will generally stand by my assertions (unless proven wrong, in which case I’ll happily recant). I’d like to think...

Online demo on how to use the mouse

Aleks at work sent this one around today – a demo on how to use the mouse. All you need to do is work out how to navigate through the web site and make it to the link and activate the link – all without using your mouse of course – in order to see the demo. Classic. Someone, somewhere is approving budget requests with the eagle-eyed financial scrutiny of the pointy haired...

PERSONAL: On Leaving Talman

I finished up at Talman last Friday after more than 9 years with the company. It was a sad day. Having been there for more than half of my professional career, I have learnt, grown and gained so much, and become close friends with many of the team. Walking out the door for the last time was a strange feeling. After deciding back in May it was time to take the next step, I sat down and discussed...

SUPERB: How NOT to be Happy

I was going to wait until Michele had at least ten posts complete before linking to it, but with content like this, I’d be doing you a disservice not pointing it out now: How to be Happy Check out her Tips on How NOT to be Happy – priceless! Tip 1: Take offense Tip 2: Never take responsibility Tip 3: Pity yourself And there’s more to come… Subscribe to HappinessStrategies...
