
Being the dumbest person in the room

I really liked John Galloway's post on The Man who Knew Too Much, in which he outlines the wrong assumptions and actions we can sometimes make/take when surrounded by smart people, being too busy, etc. However, the item that caught my attention was his link to the strategy of aspiring to be the dumbest person in the room (it's about 2/3 the way down the page in Sally's answers)...

Australia said sorry today

We finally said sorry today. I agree that we removed a "stain from the soul of Australia".
An apology is a liberating event. Forgiveness is the healer.
Never underestimate the power of words.
Technorati Tags: Australia says sorry

Valentine’s Day Happiness Strategies

A nice little series coming from the Happiness Strategies site.
This post is for singles, and dishes out the advice on how to find happiness this Valentine's day. Tough love – Dr Phil would be proud. :-)
Technorati Tags: Happiness Strategies, Valentine's Day, Michele Connolly

Gobbledygook – graphed

What a classic – David Meerman Scott analyses the use of meaning phrases by news services.
Topping the list: 'next generation', 'robust' and 'world class'.
See also his Gobbledygook Manifesto.
Great stuff – perfect for your next game of wank bingo.

Technorati Tags: Gobbledygook

COFFEE: Caffeine linked to miscarriage

Summary: Several studies have shown that consumption of caffeine (equivalent to 1 cup of coffee) is associated with a twofold increase in miscarriage. Possible good news: The studies may have been skewed by women with healthy pregnancies reducing their caffeine intake due to morning sickness. New Scientist reports this in the 26 January 2008 edition (p19 bottom right). One study interviewed 1063...

DISCLAIMER: Being as open as possible

This is a disclaimer post that I will refer back to from other posts. Last updated: 06 January 2008 Opinion only Anything you read on this site is my own opinion and not necessarily endorsed, agreed to, or even known about by friends, family, employers, etc. If I ever represent the opinion of some one else, it’ll be clearly noted. Well Duh! – Original thought is rare I’m not the...

PERSONAL: Welcome to 2008

I’ve had a nice two week break over the Christmas and New Year period. The first week was spent on chores, family events and generally unwinding. The second was spent reading and thinking, and catching up with a few close friends. Now, I just need another week to do all those technology related projects I intended to get finish… I decided to avoid email and blog reading over the...

Political correctness link

Yep, I agree with Wayne that this is getting silly. Sesame Street being wound back due to all that harmful stuff they did in the 70s, 80s and 90s. No wonder this world is in such a mess :-) But fear not, the pendulum swings both ways and in a decade or so we'll see the push back on political correctness going way too far the other way. In case I haven't mentioned it before, my favourite...

Here comes another bubble v1.1

Not wanting to be the only person on the planet who hasn't linked to this, here's my late link.
After some silly copyright hoo-haa last week, a revised version is up on YouTube. This time there's some bonus material – the credits (which will be read by a total of 4 people, maybe less :-).
Technorati Tags: Here comes another bubble, Richter Scales
