CategoryVisual FoxPro

VFP: Visual FoxPro posts of interest

I’ve been a little behind on my blog reading of late, so here’s a quick list of links I’ve enjoyed (many of which you no doubt read weeks ago :-) Vienna will support 32-bit: Even longer life for FoxPro applications Another great new site for learning FoxPro (for free!) Embed II – The Smart VFP Treeview Class One month until FoxForward 2007! Visual Foxpro Autocomplete...

OZFOX: Thinking about OzFox 2008

I’m starting to think about the next OzFox conference, and I’d love your thoughts. To help me organise the most appropriate conference for y’all, I’ve put up a very simple survey. If you are a potential attendee, please take the OzFox 2008 survey – it only takes 60 seconds. It’s anonymous (unless you optionally want to leave your email address), so you...

VFP: VFP5 for dessert

Michele and I were out at dinner on Saturday night with Adam and Anastasia Cogan. The food was good, the conversation was great, but then came dessert… Here’s what Adam had organized prior with the staff to deliver to me for dessert: It’s a copy of Visual FoxPro version 5.0, and it now sits up on the shelf above my desk. It’s still got the plastic wrapping on it! And...

VFP: FoxPro blogs

As noted by others, there are a two new VFP bloggers, including:
Bo Durban
Craig Boyd (not sure about this guy – tread carefully J)
Btw does anyone know what Kevin Ragsdale’s new blog address is? The new FeedBurner link he provided last week doesn’t appear to be working…

VFP: Important announcement concerning the Sydney VFP User Group

This is a difficult one to announce, but I have to let everyone in the Fox community know that I’ve made a drastic change to the Sydney VFP User Group. In this post I’ll outline the reasons why and the outcomes I am hoping for. Firstly, I need to let people know that the Sydney VFP UG is effectively closing down. In its place I am starting a new group which focuses (in a broad...

VFP: Goran Zidar blog

I’m sure you all know about Goran’s blog by now (thanks to Jamie’s link last month). If not then check it out here (RSS here).
Goran is the manager of the Tab Menus project on VFPx, a big supporter of VFP in Australia and an all round good guy (perhaps even a clever cookie :-)
Technorati tags: Visual FoxPro, Goran Zidar

VFP: OzFox quick survey results

Here’s some interesting stats from the OzFox networking session. At the networking session there were 40 or so attendees (plus the speakers). I have not included the speakers in the results below. I asked the following questions about VFP developer ‘behaviour’: How many people attend User Groups (VFP or other): 21 (ie ~50%)How many read blogs (VFP or other): 23 (ie >50%)How...

VFP: Sydney VFP User Group this Wednesday 28 March 2007

This Wed we have an interesting meeting.
First up we will be discussing the recent announcement regarding VFP.
Next, Doug Bower will be repeating his excellent session from last year covering connecting to MYOB via VFP.
Then, as usual we will finish with our Q+A session.
Details on the UG site –
See you there at 6:30pm for free pizza and drink.
Newcomers welcome!

VFP: Message from YAG about VFP

Much to be said about this in the coming weeks, but for now I think he has given us a good summary and clear direction. Plenty to discuss – I’ll be posting about this in a week or so once I have collected all my thoughts… btw YAG, thank you for all the hard work you and the team have done lately. I have such high respect for you. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes at the...
