CategoryGeneral Tech

NET: CodeCampOZ 2007

Just a quick note to publicly thank Mitch and Greg for putting on another excellent code camp this year. The sessions covered .Net, AJAX, SharePoint, Security, TFS, WCF, WPF, BizTalk, CRM, Windows Mobile 6, Parallel computing and even XNA. I’ve been to all 3 code camps so far, and in my opinion they are getting better. The presenters this year were all of high standard. They are also...

PERSONAL: Sleepy in seattle

After a very comfortable and hassle free flight I’ve made it to my hotel in Seattle (I’m here for the MVP Summit starting on Monday). I spent a few hours wandering around downtown: checking out the Pike Place Markets (as you do) and then trying in vain to find a coffee place {g}. After searching high and low for a Starbucks I was only able to find 37 of them within an hour...

PERSONAL: Final car joy

One of the ‘great’ things about having a blog is that some people actually read it! Now, as background to this post, you need to know that I had a few car parking (mis)adventures when over in Minnesota. Click here for the details. So, when I returned to Sydney I thought all that was behind me. But here’s what greeted me when I went down to the work car park after my first day...

PERSONAL: New York photos

Finally got around to posting some of our New York photos.

We were lucky enough to get 5 days in New York, just before Christmas. What a wonderful city. And as I mentiloned at the time, very safe.

PERSONAL: Back in Sydney

As I write this on the plane flight home I am a mix of emotions… On one hand I am really glad to be home. It is difficult living in someone else’s place for 6 weeks (and trying to work remotely at the same time), especially when you need to get everywhere by car (and I don’t need to remind myself of how that turned out {g}). The weather is cold and you can’t really go...

PERSONAL: Getting ready to leave

Wow, those 6 weeks have flown by. Sadly, Michele and I are leaving Minneapolis tomorrow, returning home to Sydney. It has been a fantastic time here, and although the time has gone quickly, so much has happened. When we arrived Jackie was very pregnant, and a week later she gave birth to a super healthy boy they named Jack. Jemma (Jack’s big 2.5 yo sister) has been an absolute joy, and...

PERSONAL: Spreading car joy

I’m feeling pretty bad tonight. Tonight I scraped the side of one of James and Jackie’s cars against a concrete pillar. But in order to appreciate the ‘specialness’ of this event you need to know that a few weeks ago I scraped the side of their other car (against a neighbour’s car). Yep, in under 4 weeks I’ve managed to damage both of their cars. They have...

OPINION: Minnesota driving rules

There are two road rules in Minnesota (and probably most of the US) that I really like. The first is that U Turns are legal everywhere. In Sydney (and most of Australia) they are illegal (you cop a fine and lose points). The second is the ‘Turn right on red’ anywhere rule. This is similar to the ‘Left run on red’ allowance that used to be common in Sydney but has been...

PERSONAL: A White New Year

Happy New Year everyone! Finally we get to see some great snow. We were hoping for a white Christmas last week (and missed out) but this morning all we can see is white (pictures here). It all started last night when we were out shopping (at yet another mall…) and it started piling down. This morning we awoke to a white blanket all over the surrounding woods. Beautiful. Thank you Minnesota...
