
Windows Marketplace for Mobile

I was a little disappointed to read Microsoft’s Developer Strategy for the Next Generation of Windows Phones. Unveiled last week, this PressPass piece indicates that Microsoft will be sharing 70% of sales revenue with developers for any Windows Mobile 6.5 applications sold through Windows Marketplace for Mobile. (Note: 70% is the same as Apple shares on their AppStore) Put another way...

Photosynth and Location

Perhaps you missed this little gem: Photosynth Map Explore. I hope not, because I think it represents an interesting insight into the future of location. A little while back I was underwhelmed with Photosynth, but I did look forward to improvements with location being tied in. Photosynth Map Explore is the answer. It’s early days, but the potential here is huge. I love it. I was, and still am...

Suggestions for Microsoft – Engage the Developer Community better

This was originally titled: “Frustrations with Microsoft – Part II” and is a follow on from my post in January. But I decided to change the title so that it comes across more positive. I don’t actually like complaining (seriously!) and my real aim is to provide constructive thought, so tweaking the words a bit will hopefully help. That said however, I do see a problem with how Microsoft...

Silverlight 2 update gets it right

Last month I lamented the complexity Microsoft was imposing on products. Today’s Silverlight refresh is a simple example of them getting it right – it’s, um, simple. Here’s the upgrade screen you see when hit the Silverlight install page. I especially appreciate the message (marked in the red box). One big button. Simple. (Of course if you’ve got the developer tools installed, you’ll...

Microsoft Windows Mobile seems a little lost

It’s been heartening to see some glimmer of hope on the Microsoft Windows Mobile horizon (in spite of disheartening trends). The announcements at Mobile World Congress this week show that Microsoft is at least trying to improve their offering, with UI improvements in Windows Mobile 6.5 as well as various integration strategies including My Phone (hey what’s that rhyme with…), Marketplace...

Frustrations with Microsoft – Part 1 – Complexity

In a word: Complexity Yes, I know I’ve touched on this before, but it seems more apparent than ever that one of the problems crushing Microsoft at the moment is a set of overly complex experiences. We need simplicity. One the strongest marketing messages you can broadcast is: It just works! Give me a product that just works, and you’ve got yourself a fan. Companies like Apple (the current...

Trimming the fat?

The Microsoft layoffs (they’re reducing headcount by approx 5.21%) announced last week have been well and truly covered, with many (like Mini) saying it’s too little, too late, and others lamenting that a company of Microsoft’s stature has ‘steeped’ to get rid of it’s biggest asset. My opinion? Well, it’s just business right? I’m sure the decision wasn’t made lightly, and who am...

Install Windows 7 from a USB stick

I’m really enjoying Windows 7, it’s a little nicer to use, it’s pretty stable, and most importantly everything just works (well, except for Sleep mode on my Toshiba, but I suspect that’s a graphics driver issue and not necessarily a Windows 7 one – but hey, that’s what Beta versions are for right? To iron out these issues). Now, you may have a hurdle installing Windows 7 on a few...

SBTUG: Wed 28 Jan 2009 – SharePoint, Windows 7 and Touch

[Ooops! Forgot to post this on my own blog (but it’s over on the new SBTUG blog – and while you’re there let me know what you think of the revamped SBTUG site).] Quick details: The Sydney Business & Technology User Group When: Wed 28 January 2009 Time: 6pm (until approx 8:30pm) Where: Microsoft, North Ryde Contact: Craig Bailey : 0413 489 388 Cost: $5 donation (to cover Pizza) More...

Windows Live Tools for Visual Studio Getting Started Guide

As Nick has mentioned we’ve released a Getting Started guide for the Windows Live Tools for Visual Studio controls. The November CTP (details here, download here) has a bunch of controls for implementing Live Services in your web apps. It includes ASP.NET controls for Contacts, Login status, Maps, Messenger chats, Silverlight streaming etc. The November CTP includes compatibility with Windows...
