
ASP.NET Wake up call from Mads

Mads Kristensen (creator of the most excellent BlogEngine.NET) has put the call out to Wake up ASP.NET developers. Whether you agree with him or not, his post is an important read, if for no other reason than to use the list of fun-fact links at the end. The following quote will give you a taste: You’re participating in the stagnation of the World Wide Web and you hold the human race...

Microsoft. Yahoo. Google. Gillmor Gang

If you have any interest in the Yahoo – Microsoft saga (that is far from finished btw) then I recommend listening to this Gillmor Gang Emergency edition. The first 10 minutes are annoying as they get themselves organised (and should have been edited out) and the last 5 minutes is a bit of a ‘he said, she said’ distraction, but the rest is a fast paced insight into the deal. The...

A quick catch up with Frank Arrigo

There’s plenty to talk about after the MVP Summit last week. But that’ll have to wait. For now, you can either read the shenanigans courtesy of Schnubbs’ blog, or… you can watch this quick 2 min video where a bunch of us caught up with Frank Arrigo. Can you believe he’s been in Seattle for 9 months already? Time flies.

Technorati Tags: Frank Arrigo, MVP Summit 2008

TIP: Fixing IE so it doesn’t go mental with lots of tabs open

This one has bugged me for ages – you open up stacks of tabs in IE and after a while weird things start happening. Perhaps its the menu not appearing on some tabs, another tab has missing toolbars, etc. And it affects other programs as well including File Explorer, shortcuts, and in my case SharePoint Designer (and even Live Writer – with which I am currently writing this post). Well...

CLARITY: CRM Live becomes CRM Online

The main interest in this article from Mary Jo is not about CRM (who cares about a name change after all) but rather how Microsoft are clarifying their terms: Live: Consumer focus Online: Business & Enterprise focus, hosted by Microsoft Hosted services: hosted by Microsoft partners And don’t miss the revenue sharing snippet at the bottom – Microsoft will share 10% of the CRM Live...

Microsoft Announces New Accessibility Tools

Great to see more developer stuff coming out that focuses on (or at least highlights) the need for improving accessibility of web sites. This particular site (released a week or so ago) is Microsoft’s take on it. If this were to come from Google or Mozilla it would of course be praised for its progressiveness, but coming from Microsoft I wonder if people will label it as playing catchup...

Microsoft licenses Flash Lite

Microsoft is licensing Flash Lite for use on mobile devices. This announcement can only be a good thing right? The more options I have on my mobile the better. It doesn’t mean I won’t be using Silverlight of course (nice double negative for you).
Technorati Tags: Microsoft, Adobe, Flash Lite

Google Sky

Google’s freshly released Google Sky is nice. But having seen the demos for the upcoming Microsoft World Wide Telescope I can’t help but be under-whelmed. btw when in Google Sky try clicking on Earth (from the Solar System link, bottom left) – it takes you to Google Maps…
Technorati Tags: Google, Skype, Microsoft, World Wide Telescope

Elcom upgrade of Microsoft CRM 3.0 to 4.0

Brad Marsh has a few screenshots of our upgrade experience from Microsoft CRM 3.0 to 4.0 Summary: it went extremely well. My comment: CRM 4.0 seems to be slower than 3.0 but since it’s running on an old server, it was expected (new server infrastructure coming in the next few weeks – Yay!). Overall, no real problems. Our CRM scenario is pretty standard with only a few customizations...
