
CLARITY: Office Business Applications (OBA)

Office Business Applications is a term getting bandied about a fair bit these days. What is it exactly? Well, answers differ, and you’d be forgiven if you thought it was as simple as using Office to build Applications for use in Business. The purpose of this post is to try to get some simple high level understanding of OBAs. In later posts I’ll be digging into resources and also covering VSTO...

Windows LiveWriter update

The Live team released a new beta of Windows Live Writer a month or so ago (they are calling this one a Preview in some places, an Update in others) and I give it the thumbs up. I’ve always been impressed with LiveWriter – in fact I think it’s one of the better tools Microsoft has put out (World Wide Telescope is another – download it here – but more on that in another post). This...

Bill Gates interview about finishing up at Microsoft

There’s a nice little interview with Bill Gates up on Channel 9. The first 8 minutes are the best as Bill covers what a Chief Software Architect should do (summary: ensure different teams work together), and his thoughts on Ray Ozzie (note to self: perhaps I need to give Ray a second chance – I’ve been completely unimpressed with him to date, but if Bill thinks so highly of him...

SBTUG: Outsourcing + ASP.NET MVC + Prizes

This Wed at the Sydney Business & Technology User Group (SBTUG) we’re lucky enough to have Bob McGilvray and Tatham Oddie presenting.   When: This Wed 25 June 2008 Time: 6pm (until approx 8:30pm) Where: Microsoft, North Ryde Contact: Craig Bailey : 0413 489 388 Cost: Free (Pizza all provided) Plus: Prize: Full version of Visual Studio 2008 Standard & Windows Server 2008...

CLARITY: SQL Server 2008

One of the problems we often encounter is information overload. There’s no shortage of great articles, examples, podcasts and webcasts on every conceivable technology. Microsoft’s products are no different. Thus, the following is comprised of numerous sources easy to find online – there’s no special insight here. Rather, I’ve just simply tried to distill a product to...

TECHED: Why crap tracks are great news

Last week we started seeing some of the TechEd Australia tracks being announced. Web is the first. There was a little bit of Twitter backlash and the odd blog post noting that the track might be missing an important topic or two. (I’ve deliberately not linked to any of the blogs or Twitter feeds in case I misrepresent people, but they are easy to find). Whether the track could be better...

Microsoft’s new Green Strategy – it’s called Vista 64 bit

The Techies at Elcom completely reformatted my machine a few weeks back and installed Vista 64bit. This has been great because I can now access all 4GB of RAM (woo hoo!). But there’s been another unexpected benefit… It turns out that there’s no printer drivers for our Elcom printers that work on Vista 64. So, for the last 4 weeks I’ve been unable to print anything...

SBTUG: Microsoft Groove 2007 + 2008 Stack + Prizes

This Wed at the Sydney Business & Technology User Group (SBTUG) we’re lucky enough to have Aaron Saikovski along to bring us up to speed on all things Microsoft Groove related. Oh, and check out the prizes…   When: This Wed 28 May 2008 Time: 6pm (until approx 8:30pm) Where: Microsoft, North Ryde Contact: Craig Bailey : 0413 489 388 Cost: Free (Pizza all provided) Plus: Prize:...

Microsoft Data Centres – it’s staggering

There’s been some interesting articles about data centres lately. This one from ComputerWorld questions Microsoft’s plan to use container based data centres (yep, as in you stick a bunch of servers in a 40 foot container). There’s further follow up from Michael Manos here. And don’t miss the forest for the trees – they are talking about housing up to 440,000 servers...

Visual Basic ‘Learn’ Section continues to improve

I continue to be impressed with how Microsoft is organising and presenting their online help. The Visual Basic site is a case in point. Beth Massi highlights some of the new features coming whereby you can create your own dynamic lists – ie tailor help to just your area of interest. Neat. But even in its current format it is useful and manageable. Being interested in more of the VSTO and...
