
TECHNOLOGY: Security, email and SPAM

Reading through Australia’s IT news roundup over the last few weeks has been illuminating. Security Take security exploits and spam for example. This reminder on SQL exploits welcomed us back to the new year, alongside this note about how 70K web pages were hacked in a single week. And a new take on the hijacking side things was scary (but inventive): the printer hijacking method. Or...

Domain name shenanigans

The news earlier this month about Network Solutions automatically registering any domain you search for on their site has been universally condemned. And rightly so. Supposedly providing a service, but actually reducing service for your (potential and existing) customers is only ever going end up with reduced market share. I first read about it on TechCrunch, and then saw Joe's analysis. (It...

Google, Wikipedia and China

Three interesting things happened last week. First up, Wikipedia turned 7 years old. Happy Birthday Wikipedia. Wikipedia was and is the world's first open source encyclopedia, and remains one of the top 10 most visited sites in the world. Big things happen slowly. Second though, Google hit 600USD. This, after hitting a high of 747USD last November. Big things happen quickly. Finally, China...

Geocoding a physical address with Yahoo and VB

Code Project has a nice little article on how to use Yahoo Web Services to return the geocoded results of an address lookup. For those who don't know, Yahoo has a full developer network with stacks of articles for a variety of development tools including .NET. Also check out their Developer Centre blog.
Technorati Tags: Yahoo Developer Network, Geocoding address

Is the ECM market ripe for consolidation?

An interesting article from Computerworld on the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) space (of which my employer – Elcom – is a major player). Elcom is an ECM company, and we are always grappling with where to best extend our product. Lately we have seen the value of our systems being the platform for a business to run on. Our customisation tends to be in the building of Line of...

Welcome back to the Craig Bailey link blog for 2008

After a few weeks off from posting my links, I'm back for 2008. (Note: my main blog has been continuing on without a break) Admittedly there were a few gems that came along last week that I just had to note, but for the most part, it's been good to take a break. And, as 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' I'm pleased to be back into my blog reading in full force. FeedDemon...

Round up of recent Elcom blogs

Brad Marsh has a good post on Windows 2008 firewall settings
Angus McDonald discusses new VB9 stuff
Sam Fu considers the Application Domain
Summer Hu has stacks of stuff, here's an example talking about System.AddIn
Alan Lee talks about Windows Server 2008 RC0
Technorati Tags: Elcom, Bloggers

RFID tags in prisoners

I wasn't going to resume posting to this link blog until next week, but this news item caught my eye and couldn't wait… Those cur-a-zee guys in the UK government are talking about putting RFID tags in prisoners. That way they can track where the prisoners are, study patterns etc. Human rights groups are a little concerned of course and no doubt the discussion will get sidetracked...

ELCOM: Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008

Elcom is all 2008. The Elcom web site is now running on a Windows 2008 Server, with SQL Server 2008 as the back-end and Community Manager.NET completely recompiled under Visual Studio 2008 (targeting the 3.5 Framework) delivering the content. Community Manager.NET is Elcom’s content management system (CMS), which we have now re-compiled, tested and released on the .NET 3.5 Framework. Now...

GOOGLE: Playing with Google AJAX Search API

I’ve been playing with the Google AJAX Search API for a few hours and it seems pretty easy. (The API isn’t new or anything, it’s just that I haven’t played with it until now.) The advantage of the AJAX search is that results are presented in the page with no obvious refresh or having to open a new page. You can see a simple implementation on my home page (just type...
