I think we all understand content slop by now – the low value content pumped out by AI (usually at scale). Annoying, yes – but mostly harmless. One of the lacklustre side effects of AI advances. However, there’s another type of AI related slop coming – what I’ll refer to as ‘process slop’. It’s the side effect of people taking the ‘advice’ of AI when it comes to setting up their...
Content Slop Example (Le Chat)
(This post will make more sense when I refer back to it in a future post covering the topic of Process Slop) If you’re like me, you probably like playing with AI tools. Recently, I had a play with Le Chat (Mistral AI). When testing I like to put in some pretty standard HubSpot related prompts just to see the kind of output I get. Here’s a typical prompt I test with: “What are...
Craving Connection
Connection. Relationships. What does this even mean these days? Perhaps it’s my years of marketing that have jaded me, but I’m starting to lose my soul seeing all the new automated tools that CRM platforms and AI companies are pumping out. A few years ago HubSpot was speaking about connection with customers – but what does connection really mean? Is it about personal relationships –...
Canva and HotJar price update
There was a bit of angst on social when Canva announced some price increases last week (up by 300% in some cases). Not to be outdone, I received the following ‘hold my beer’ notification from HotJar a few days later: Admittedly this is less about a price increase right now, and more a removal of a legacy discount against price increases a while back – but to the end user (ie me)...
Back to basics
Consider the following annualised generative AI revenue comparison: Accenture (a consulting company, advising on AI): $3.7B OpenAI (an AI provider): $3.4B (And further, OpenAI is selling more AI services than Microsoft.) People are spending more on AI advice than they are on the actual AI. (Sure, there’s lots of other AI companies besides OpenAI. There’s also lots of other consulting companies.)...
AI is the microwave oven of gourmet cooking
Saw this description of AI somewhere on Threads recently (wish I could find and credit the source) where they described AI as: AI is to business, as the microwave oven is to gourmet cooking ie it’s handy, saves time, provides ideas (preprogrammed settings), it’s available to most people, and anyone can get started using it and benefitting from it. But it’s not going to replace...
Musicians, robots and AI
I was recently reminded of the Music Defense League case in the late 1920s, organised by the American Federation of Musicians to combat the threat of music recordings. Here’s the quick summary: before the 1930s when you went to see a movie at the theatre, it had no sound music was provided by live singers and musicians but ‘technology’ was improving => music and sound was recorded and then...
Deepfake scams
You may have seen this recent deepfake scam, attempting to scam WPP. It’s easy to dismiss these threats thinking it only affects the ‘big companies’ – after all why would anyone bother going to all that trouble to target ‘a small company like ours’… But it’s only a (short) matter of time before these deepfake processes are easily emulated and can be...
Simon highlights (via a tweet that quotes another tweet) that ‘slop’ is the perfect word to describe the barrage of unwanted AI generated ‘content’ that we’re being forced to wade through on our trek to an actual answer. As they note, just as ‘spam’ became the word for unwanted email, ‘slop’ is the term for unwanted AI generated content. See...
Paste and Match Style in GMail email
Why have I only just discovered this now: