
What price privacy?

From Bloomberg: Millions of young people are turning their personal Instagram accounts into “business” profiles to learn more about how their posts are performing. The trend has an unintended privacy consequence. And further: “I’ll talk to parents and say, ‘Did you know that if your 13-year-old turns their Instagram account into a business account, more than 1 billion people have access...

HubSpot and Privacy

Interesting to see that HubSpot is removing location tracking in its Activity feed. Here’s their reasoning: “While email tracking can prevent over-emailing and help you time your follow-up in a relevant way, the location data attached to that tracking did not add enough value to either the user or the end-customer-experience.” Although their post mentions ‘not enough...

HubShots 165: Diving into HubSpot’s Drag and Drop email editor

Episode 165 of HubShots, the Unofficial Down Under HubSpot Podcast :-), is out. Ian and I chat about the pros and cons of the new drag and drop email editor. The summary is: it’s very simple and enjoyable to usebut with simplicity comes limitationincluding not being able to add CTAs (but we go through a workaround to enable this)and not being able to change things like line height Overall...

Bye Bye Nacho

Very thorough analysis of the Nacho Analytics demise by Ars Technica (a reminder of what good investigative tech journalism looks like btw). If you’re not familiar with the whole situation, here’s the summary: Chrome Browser extensions (perhaps deceptively) get your permission to track everything you do (recording URLs you visit, content that is on the page etc) and then on-sell that...

HubSpot’s Free Email with CRM play

“Thank you MailChimp, we’ll take your wonderful freemium model with email – that has worked so well for you for the last decade and you recently decided to discontinue – and slot it nicely into our CRM.” That, I imagine is what went through a number of people’s minds when HubSpot announced their (also wonderful) freemium email model now available* in HubSpot...

Email: Relevance versus Frequency

One of the most common questions/myths I run into is about email frequency. “How often should we send emails? We don’t want to bug people and have them unsubscribe…” My answer is always the same: you’re asking the wrong question. The question you should instead be focussing on is: How can we make our emails more relevant. Although frequency is a factor, a much bigger...

Temporal subscriptions: This Old Marketing Podcast is back

What a pleasant surprise – one of my favourite marketing podcasts is back (after an 18 month break). Welcome back to Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose with their This Old Marketing podcast. One of the key insights from their return episode (212): thinking through the idea of temporal subscriptions. That is, the increasingly common behaviour where people subscribe to a service temporarily with the...

Pushing into Pinterest. Yes, for B2B

When I mention Pinterest, what’s your initial reaction in terms of marketing for B2B?  Not a fit? Our audience isn’t there. It doesn’t convert. etc? If so, then here’s a little prompt to ‘test and measure’. We started running small tests on Pinterest in November last year, with the aim of seeing whether we could use Pinterest to build awareness in the B2B...

Privacy: CCPA – it’s GDPR all over again

You remember the panic around GDPR right? Even if you weren’t targeting audiences in Europe, you were across the privacy changes this new regulation ushered in. What about CCPA? It’s going to be GDPR all over again, but this time in the US, slated for 01 January 2020. Technically it’s limited to California, but in practice this will be an important consideration for...

Attribution, AI and Data – The Marketer of the Future

As a marketer, you might think your role is just about planning campaigns – after all, that seems to be where our time gravitates to. Some days it seems like all we’re doing is chasing down assets, thinking about targeting, messaging and deadlines. But is that what we’ll be doing in our roles in 5 years time? I tend to think not. Instead I think we’ll be increasingly data...
