
tvCAD – Aussie Technology Success Story

My friend Ewen (CADbloke) has been beavering away on tvCAD for many years now, polishing it into a successful software venture. It’s a niche piece of software, here’s the overview from his site: tvCAD makes cable schedules from your CAD wiring drawings, automatically and quickly and 100% accurately.tvCAD Very specific audience, very specific problem set, very specific solution. And it...

Great Speeches

Wonderful initiative by James Clear to start cataloging (including transcribing) a range of famous speeches.

Looking through the list lead me to JK Rowling’s commencement address at Harvard in 2008. Wonderful stuff.

Nike on Instagram – no products

Thanks to Kevin for bringing this to my attention: Nike never features their products on their Instagram.

Instead, they show people. Who use their products.

It’s a subtle difference. But once you see it, you can never not see it.

You have no privacy (still)

A good insight into how much your web and app activity is tracked by advertising and third party tools. Most marketing people will be aware of this, but if outside the industry you may be shocked. New sites were the worst: Among all the sites I visited, news sites, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, had the most tracking resources. This is partly because the sites serve more...

Modern marketing expectations

A good post from Scott Brinker, inspired by Tim Fishburne on what the expectations of a CMO are these days. From Scott’s post: The real challenge is that everything Tom listed in his strip is, indeed, what we now consider the responsibility — officially or unofficially — of marketing leadership:– Grow the business– Make customers happy– Deliver...

Tumblr and WordPress

Such a wonderful interview with Matt Mullenweg by The Verge, discussing Automattic’s purchase of Tumblr. Put aside the riches to rags story of Tumblr (sold to Yahoo for $1.1B in 2013, sold to Automattic for $3M in 2019 – supposably) and instead focus on the well meaning intent of both Verizon and Automattic: Their top priority was not trying to maximize the purchase price. There might...

Social engagement

How many highly effective leaders do you know that manage their own social profiles? Working with marketing managers, we are increasingly seeing the marketing department managing the personal social profiles (eg LinkedIn) of their company leaders (eg CEO). And often, someone junior in the marketing team. They post on their behalf, engage, and even answer DMs on their behalf. And yes...

Facebook Ad Manager Therapy

If you are frustrated with Facebook’s Ad Manager constantly changing and often crashing, you are far from alone. Ads Manager is crashing with regularity, according to interviews with numerous advertisers. The outages, which can last for hours at a time and make it impossible to start a new ad campaign or manage an existing one, seem to happen every month, they say. Yep, it’s a pretty...

Paying fairly for news

From the WSJ, news of Facebook paying news outlets to license their content. Facebook Inc. is offering news outlets millions of dollars for the rights to put their content in a news section that the company hopes to launch later this year, according to people familiar with the matter.“people familiar with the matter…” On one hand I’d be thinking: On the other hand, perhaps...
