
Marketing automation articles

A good overview of marketing automation here from the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI).

And a monster comparison and dive in here from Smart Bug Media.

Both well worth reading.

Both posts of course claiming to be ‘the ultimate guide’. The word ‘ultimate’ is meaningless these days.


Just saving this one for later – a massive piece by Dawn Anderson diving into BERT.

No, I haven’t read it yet. Just need to block out 30 mins to soak up the goodness.

CCPA Overview

A good overview of CCPA in 7 mins by Kyle at HubSpot.

Not legal advice, just marketing notes.

CCPA = California Consumer Protection Act

Initial thoughts on HubSpot Landing Pages in HubSpot Marketing Starter

HubSpot has added a cut-down version of Landing Pages in their HubSpot Marketing Starter version. This went live on 01 November. I’ve started playing with it, and have collected a few initial thoughts here. I’ll update it as I learn more (or am corrected on any points). The Good The things I really like are: very simple to use (similar user experience to their Drag and Drop email...

Having a marketing mindset of openness

If you’re a marketer take a moment to stop and think about how you respond when someone (anyone!) suggests a new marketing idea, channel or (dare I say it) growth hack. If your first response is to resist (as mine often is), then here’s a reminder to be more open. Marketing is constantly changing, so you need to open to new ideas, new processes, new opportunities. Sometimes the new...

Google penalties

From an interview with ex-Googler Kaspar Szymanski: But the first and foremost, the most important thing to clarify—because this is a very common misconception—is the fact that there is no such thing as an algorithmic penalty.There are algorithms and manual penalties. Those can have a rather similar impact. They can feel like they are the same thing, but it is very important to understand...

How do you test and measure, if you can’t measure?

As you may know one of my mantras is ‘test and measure‘. That is, always be testing things/ideas/tactics and measuring the results. Which is all fine and good if you can actually measure the results. But what should you do in situations where you can’t reliably measure? And how do you even know? Take for example the recent confirmations about Facebook inflating video metrics...

PPC Trends for 2020

Yes the 2020 posts have started already! Brace yourself…

A useful post (as always) from ConversionXL, covering some of the key trends in PPC for next year.

Key points:

Automation of your advertisingAI (of course!)Video ads (eg Google’s Bumper Machine) Responsive search ads become the norm

Test and Measure

In our podcast, Ian and I are always reminding our listeners to ‘test and measure’ – that is, to continually test new things and check if they work. If they do, double down. If they don’t, testing something else. Here’s an example of Instagram making changes based on analysing results. You don’t need to understand the actual item in the Insta example, instead...
