
I am a thought leader

This parody doing the rounds is spot on: It seems as though the disdain we had for self-proclaimed social media experts (#SMEGs) is transferring to so-called thought leaders. And rightly so. Everyone wants to be a thought leader these days. And it’s just getting ridiculous. In the race to be seen as thought leaders it seems that actually having any critical thinking is considered a hurdle...

Why Facebook Messenger matters for B2B marketers

Mary Meeker’s latest report highlighted the rise of messenger app usage (and the Facebook gap). This slide was particularly telling: Notice the results: a 20x increase in messages received by Hyatt. This is significant, and important. People are extremely comfortable using Facebook Messenger to engage with companies. A few other items to notice: Hyatt only started offering this in November...

Instagram is a news source apparently

Fascinating insights (as always) from Pew Research with this piece covering how social network users get their news. If I were to ask you which social media platforms you thought most people got their news from what would you say? Facebook – yes, of course Twitter – you’d suspect so LinkedIn – absolutely That would be my three. Here’s what the Pew Research survey...

Reading long form on mobiles

Fascinating insights from Pew Research about the reading habits of mobile users. In a study of 117M mobile interactions: The analysis finds that despite the small screen space and multitasking often associated with cellphones, consumers do spend more time on average with long-form news articles than with short-form. Indeed, the total engaged time with articles 1,000 words or longer averages about...

On the whole ‘un-gate all the things’ trend going on at the moment

You might have seen posts like this one from Drift where companies discuss their amazing new idea about un-gating content ie no more forms to be filled out in order to access ebooks and the like. There’s a follow up here, and then an discussion where other marketers chime in. A few thoughts: if this works for Drift, that’s great, but don’t assume it will work for you...

Facebook marketing tips

Thanks to Elissa Hudson and HubSpot for the latest post on the XEN blog. An excellent overview for any marketing managers thinking through their Facebook strategy.

Twitter’s Ad problem

From a re/code article last week: But Twitter isn’t novel anymore, and brands and agencies who want to play with a new shiny object can go to Snapchat. and then: …sales on Twitter’s own properties — see how it’s dropping faster than the rest of Twitter’s revenue, which includes its third-party ad network? That’s brand advertisers pulling away from Twitter faster than direct...

When Serious Issues are Co-opted for Marketing

It’s interesting to see how Verizon (a US telco*) have picked on a topical (and worthy) issue and co-opted it for their own marketing**. And gets positive press about it from the likes of HuffPo. A little while ago I would have been really cynical about these kinds of ads that basically take ‘serious issue’ topics and manipulate them into feel good, positive-by-association...
