
Brian Halligan on Marketing in 2017

A good read from Brian as he looks towards the opportunities in 2017 and marks it as the second act of inbound marketing. Worth reading in full, but summarised as: 1. Invest in video. Diversify your content playbook to include social + video in addition to text + search. 2. Live in social. We’re not B2B or B2C marketers — we’re business to human marketers. Humans live in Snapchat...

Black Friday Buyer’s Remorse

Is it just me, or does it seem as though for every one amazing Black Friday and Cyber Monday offer you receive there’s two that give you buyer’s remorse: you purchased it previously and now you have an email slapping you in the face offering it for up to 80% less than you paid. Case in point: I purchased a HubSpot theme for $1200 earlier in the year. This morning I received an email...

Communication, not narcissim

This comment from Evan Spiegel (mentioned as part of the Snap, Inc Spectacles reveal in WSJ) is useful: “People wonder why their daughter is taking 10,000 photos a day. What they don’t realize is that she isn’t preserving images. She’s talking.” This is a key insight that most of the *older* generations don’t appreciate. Behaviours change, and whilst a snap-happy younger...

Cost of Acquisition versus Cost of Nurture

One question customers ask semi-regularly is: how do I reduce my contact database cost? That is, they feel that the cost of keeping their contacts database is too expensive – and they want to know how to reduce the cost – ie by removing contacts. This applies (obviously) to contact databases that are priced on a per contact basis (eg MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, etc)...

Terrible cold outreach email from major software company

Received this terrible outreach email from a major software company: I get lots of spam, but it’s usually from low quality companies I’ve never heard of. This is from a major software player – which is probably why it managed to avoid the spam filter make it into my inbox. Everything about this is bad, from the missing data (ie they didn’t even bother to search for my...

I am a thought leader

This parody doing the rounds is spot on: It seems as though the disdain we had for self-proclaimed social media experts (#SMEGs) is transferring to so-called thought leaders. And rightly so. Everyone wants to be a thought leader these days. And it’s just getting ridiculous. In the race to be seen as thought leaders it seems that actually having any critical thinking is considered a hurdle...
