A good read from Brian as he looks towards the opportunities in 2017 and marks it as the second act of inbound marketing. Worth reading in full, but summarised as:
1. Invest in video. Diversify your content playbook to include social + video in addition to text + search.
2. Live in social. We’re not B2B or B2C marketers — we’re business to human marketers. Humans live in Snapchat, Instagram, Messenger, and a host of other social apps. Find them there.
3. Accelerate your content. Combine content marketing and paid marketing. Repurpose your most successful content for multiple channels and boost it with budget.
4. Automate your buying process. Buyers expect to be able to buy on their timeline with either minimal or no human contact.
No magic here, just good advice. Ignore at your peril (and I’m mostly talking to myself at this point).