
When a Team Member Dies

The technology world lost a wonderful writer and highly respected thought leader recently – Kerry Butters. Kerry Butters passed away on 23 February 2016 after a short battle with cancer. I had the pleasure of working with Kerry since early 2013 – she was a pivotal member of the XEN team and a wonderful guide to me personally. I’ve written a post over on the XEN blog covering her...

HubShots – Aussie HubSpot Podcast

Lately I’ve been working on a new project with my friend Ian Jacob. Together we co-host a new HubSpot focussed podcast called HubShots. There’s 6 episodes available so far (and two more recorded and currently being edited). If you’re interested in inbound marketing, content marketing and HubSpot, then I think you’ll really like the podcast. We’re aiming for 30...

Telstra Pricing

I’ve been in the US for the last two weeks. Before I left I purchased a Telstra 14 Day Travel Pass. It worked out well, because it ran out when I was at the airport about to head home. Here’s the text message I got (the second message is the item of interest): Basically, since I was a Travel Pass customer I was going to now pay 3c per MB. At this price I’m assuming Telstra still...

Sitting in Judgement

Imagine you are a passenger in a plane that is starting its takeoff approach. You are accelerating down the runway when the left engine catches on fire. The pilot heroically brings the plane to a rapid halt and commences the emergency evacuation procedures. There is heat, and fire, and smoke. People are panicking. You are in the plane, perhaps in a middle row, with an exit 10 rows ahead, and 10...

HubSpot is the Starbucks of Marketing

I had a realisation last night about HubSpot, my agency, and my mindset. I’m in Boston at the moment, attending Inbound 2015. The conference kicked off yesterday, and I spent most of it in agency training courses (my company is a HubSpot partner agency). We’ve been a HubSpot partner for approximately 2 years now, and although we love HubSpot, most of our clients are still non-HubSpot...

HubSpot APAC Tour NYC

I’ve just arrived in Boston for the HubSpot Inbound 2015 conference after spending the last 4 days in New York. Conferences can be funny things for me. My usual experience is it takes me a few days to warm up (ie for the introvert in me to thaw) and by then the conference is almost over. Just as I’m starting to get friendly, and positive, and motivated, it’s time to go. Which...

First World Reflections

I was waiting in line to talk to the concierge in the hotel yesterday (I’m currently in New York as I write this). I was third in line, and the line was starting to grow behind me. Up ahead in first place, hijacking the concierge was a father and his daughter. I’d guess she was 11 or 12, but I was behind them so couldn’t really tell. I couldn’t hear the conversation with...

Twitter: The poster child of technology inefficiency

You should read this post from Eugene Wei (no really, go read it) and consider it in terms of inefficiency. Think back to when Twitter first started. By the time you and I were getting involved, it’s likely the need for the SMS limited character limitation was long gone. Only the earliest of early adopters would have actually been around when it was in fact needed. But the character...

HubSpot Shenanigans

I’m in New York at the moment, for a HubSpot Asia Pacific meetup, before heading to Boston on Monday to attend Inbound 2015. It’s going to fun. But I can’t help wondering how many distractions there are going to be at the conference. Take for example the latest news on the Mike Volpe saga, now looking to be a federal investigation (yes, always good to FBI into the headline). The...

Finally using an ad blocker

I’ve resisted using an ad blocker for years, since: I don’t mind ads Especially if they are personalised (as most ads are now). And I’m happy for ads to track me all over the web if it means I get a better ‘ad experience’ I realise many sites rely on ads as their business model If it weren’t for them showing ads I wouldn’t get access to many of the...
