Here’s an all too common example of political incompetence and bungling when it comes to technology and infrastructure planning. And I thought it was just the NBN that had issues – at least we’ve got something rolling (albeit limping) out… Of course The Backburner nails it in a piece that you’d be forgiven for thinking was all too real: The Turnbull Government has...
Louder Minds
My wife Michele has started a new website – a site for introverts. It’s interesting, inspiring and pretty, pretty funny at times.
It’s called Louder Minds – and the Facebook page is pretty good too. Or Instagram if that’s your thing.
Here’s a taste or two:
Tonight’s the night
This is sooooo Michele and me…
Below is the start of the comic, make sure you click through to see the full comic and final panel – it pretty much nails it.
Make sure you click through to see the final panel.
(btw Why did I not include the entire comic here? Because the artists asked nicely here – and I want to support them)
A good overview of how to use Medium
If you’ve been wondering where to start with Medium, HubSpot has you covered with this guide.
Local SEO Myths
A useful list from Joy Hawkins on some common local seo misconceptions. #4 is still the main misconception: that posting on Google+ will improve your rankings. This is no longer the case. I say ‘no longer’ because it is true that in the early days of G+ there was a benefit to updating your G+ profile. And that continued for a certain extent with G+ Authorship. But those days are long...
That Dan Lyons book
Well played Dan, well played. “Instant New York Times Bestseller” pretty much sums it up. The book promotion tour for Disrupted is on and thus the pieces have been coming thick and fast over the past two weeks. Dharmesh has a calm response that I found impressive (disclaimer: Dharmesh is a personal hero of mine). Ian and I mentioned our thoughts on episode 29 of HubShots (towards the...
Need to stop saying Thinking Outside The Box
I’m guilty of too many of these. ‘No-brainer’ is a particular weakness. Thinking outside the box is a recent example. My apologies in advance.
Courtesy of: Citrix Interactions Blog
14 Job Interview Questions That Might Just Make You Sound Like You Are Trying Too Hard
Not sure if it is a cultural thing and questions like this are more applicable in US to here in AU, but if I was interviewing someone and they started peddling out questions like:
‘What behaviors does the member who struggles most on the team exhibit? Please give me an example.’
…I think I’d be more worried than impressed.
But question 8, that one’s much more like it.
Search Results Ranking Based on Satisfaction?
An interesting find by Bill Slawski of a newly published Google patent: A newly published Google patent application describes technology that would modify scoring and ranking of query results using biometric indicators of user satisfaction or negative engagement with a search result. In other words; Google would track how satisfied or unsatisfied someone might be with search results, and using...
Link thinking
A common assumption made in the SEO world is that links are a key ranking factor (and they are). But Jon Cooper thinks through the assumption, with some useful thought-bytes from industry luminaries. (And BTW good to be reading a blog post from Jon again – it’s been a while.) From his conclusion: Tomorrow is not a guarantee. As we’ve seen, Google can move very quickly. With that...