
What’s the Australian Federal Election Date?

Answer: The Australian Federal Election date is Saturday 02 July 2016.
Interesting that as I write this on 25 May 2016, right in the middle of election campaign mayhem and just over 5 weeks until the next Australian Federal Election, that neither Bing nor Google give me the answer I was wanting when I searched:

And Bing:

Thankfully DuckDuckGo has something more helpful:

Apple Pay is really new and amazing for some people

I used Apple Pay this morning in a shop and the girl behind the counter was amazed by it. She wanted to know all about it and how it worked. She was young and tech savvy and yet this was an entirely new (and massively cool) concept for her. If you have an AMEX and have had Apple Pay for a while you’ll likely find this strange – to you paying with Apple Pay is probably so routine...

Google’s Payday continues

Following on from last week’s note about Google banning payday loan ads in AdWords, and their hypocrisy (as clearly highlighted by Aaron Wall), it’s good to see the Wall Street Journal putting the boot in as well.
But for the best part, check out the comments on the article.

Reading long form on mobiles

Fascinating insights from Pew Research about the reading habits of mobile users. In a study of 117M mobile interactions: The analysis finds that despite the small screen space and multitasking often associated with cellphones, consumers do spend more time on average with long-form news articles than with short-form. Indeed, the total engaged time with articles 1,000 words or longer averages about...

WeWork and innovation

You probably know WeWork – the co-working space provider, now creating co-living spaces. You may think that providing co-living space is only about the tangibles (the rooms, furniture and fittings) but that’s just the start. Here’s why I think WeWork is an innovator – note especially the second paragraph (from the link above): Positive social interaction is the priority to...

Netflix launches Fast but should really call it Random

Netflix released their own stripped down version of SpeedTest called Fast – here try it now. I don’t know if it’s indicative of how bad our internet connection is or what, but it seems that every time I try it I get a vastly different speed result. In the last few minutes my speeds have ranged from 1.2 Mbps through to 25 Mbps with no discernible pattern. I tried it on my phone...

Remote working and company culture

This piece by David Niu on Entrepreneur made me think. In it he outlines his view that remote working inhibits company culture. He notes his own views: I firmly believe that a strong company culture determines your success, and you can’t have a strong culture without people working together in an office setting. and A strong workplace culture is an organization’s No. 1 competitive advantage...

Podcast intros need to die

When Die Hard 2 came out all those years ago, one of the wonderful things it did was skip the opening credits and just got straight into it. Opening credits though are still very much the norm, and although they can occasionally be a key part of the experience (eg James Bond credits) usually they are just annoying. Who wouldn’t choose to skip the credits if they were given the choice...

Google launches Spaces – a new tool for attracting outraged comments from people who haven’t used it yet

Google released a new product today – Spaces – that they described as: a tool for small group sharing. Not exactly an unsolved problem, but given the growth in messaging options, it’s possible there’s benefit if their attempt is compelling or provides some new value. Their reasoning for building Spaces: We wanted to build a better group sharing experience, so we made a new...

Techmeme de-clickbait-ifying

Techmeme is the first thing I check every morning. It’s my window to the tech world. One of things I really appreciate is their human editing of headlines. Not only do they de-clickbaitify, but they also add details that help to communicate the real story. Here’s a story from The Verge: Apple updates iTunes with a ‘simpler’ design that doesn’t really help And...
