A few years ago when I went to get some physiotherapy done (eg pulled a shoulder muscle or hurt my neck) it would all be fixed after two sessions, and we’d possibly have a third session just as a check up. Two week ago I hurt my shoulder and went for some physio. The first session was mostly discussion and exploratory with a bit of actual physio and improvement. Next session was two days...
Always take Option A
Option A: As soon as you realise you’ve done something wrong or stupid or even just accidentally, apologise. Fix the relationship (business, personal or other) as soon as possible. This is your top priority. Option B: Let some time go by while you think through whether you ‘really’ were at fault or not. Assume that as time goes by it will blow over and things will return back to...
Terrible cold outreach email from major software company
Received this terrible outreach email from a major software company: I get lots of spam, but it’s usually from low quality companies I’ve never heard of. This is from a major software player – which is probably why it managed to avoid the spam filter make it into my inbox. Everything about this is bad, from the missing data (ie they didn’t even bother to search for my...
I am a thought leader
This parody doing the rounds is spot on: It seems as though the disdain we had for self-proclaimed social media experts (#SMEGs) is transferring to so-called thought leaders. And rightly so. Everyone wants to be a thought leader these days. And it’s just getting ridiculous. In the race to be seen as thought leaders it seems that actually having any critical thinking is considered a hurdle...
Why Facebook Messenger matters for B2B marketers
Mary Meeker’s latest report highlighted the rise of messenger app usage (and the Facebook gap). This slide was particularly telling: Notice the results: a 20x increase in messages received by Hyatt. This is significant, and important. People are extremely comfortable using Facebook Messenger to engage with companies. A few other items to notice: Hyatt only started offering this in November...
Website engagement and Google rankings
Thought provoking article by Larry Kim about how Google may (or may not) use web site dwell time as an indirect ranking signal. Summary: there’s some correlation items, and personal viewpoints added, but nothing is concrete. That’s not to say it isn’t actionable – just thinking about how to improve your site engagement, and then implementing improvements, can only be a...
The Facebook Gap
Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report is always fascinating reading/viewing. There’s tons to go through, but here’s 3 quick notes about Facebook. 1. The Gap The Facebook logo has to be on the left because the dot is right at the end of the axis. Facebook owns Instagram (as you know) and thus the gap between Facebook dominance and anything else is massive. (As Ben Thompson noted...
David Kadavy spills gems
If you ever doubted whether Quora could be useful then have a read through this list of answers by David Kadavy. Gold.
Some of the best time management and productivity thinking I’ve read in a long time.
Make sure you click through on all his links, especially his posts on Medium. They’re all gems.
Instagram is a news source apparently
Fascinating insights (as always) from Pew Research with this piece covering how social network users get their news. If I were to ask you which social media platforms you thought most people got their news from what would you say? Facebook – yes, of course Twitter – you’d suspect so LinkedIn – absolutely That would be my three. Here’s what the Pew Research survey...
Public transport
Every time I see a bus packed with people, I say a silent thank you to all of the passengers. I can’t help but think of this comparison: (via: Going Car Free) Taking public transport, even when it’s crowded, or rainy, or hot is a valuable contribution to society. If only more people did it when possible (I totally get that it’s often not feasible). We don’t need more...