Michael, I hope your new camera is under warranty, because there is something seriously wrong with the shots it is taking – although a few like this one of Andrew Coates are OK though :-)
SPEECH: Bill Gates at Harvard
I know this is getting a lot of links, but I really, really like it.
One of the most inspiring speeches I’ve heard (read) in a long time.
Please read it.
USER GROUPS: Sydney User Groups
[UPDATE 1] Here’s the list of ineta User Groups (which can be filtered for Australia) [UPDATE 2] Here’s the Readify list of Australian User Groups I’ve been looking for a simple list of all the Sydney user groups (Microsoft based ones that is) and have found it difficult to come by. As a starting point I visited the Microsoft site (here) but found it non-user friendly and out of...
QUALITY: You are what you repeatedly code
Just going through my backlog of blog posts and read this one from Paul Stovell (from over a month ago). I totally agree with his main point that ‘we are what we repeatedly code’. It takes a while to build a habit. I wish more coders wised up to this. But more importantly I wish more software managers wised up to this. When it comes to the cost involved, I’d suggest that the...
ACS: Speaking at ACS Wollongong next Wed 4 July 2007
Next Wed I’m speaking at the South Coast Chapter of the Australian Computer Society, discussing ‘5 Mistakes Software Managers Make‘. This is based on my recent talk at SBTUG, but expanded a little taking into account the great feedback I got at the meeting.
Details here
Not sure if any of my readers are Wollongong based, but if so I’d love to see you there.
SBTUG: Web 2.0 and Connected Systems presentations available
Looks like Rahul‘s beaten me to it again… the presentations from Wednesday night’s sessions at SBTUG are up. A quick report: Steven Ringo gave a very good overview of Web 2.0, where it is used, popular sites, how it can be used in business and where it is headed. Most useful. Scott Scovell (and yes, Rahul, I agree, he is a guru) managed to cram a comprehensive overview of the...
VFP: Talman is hiring
As Rahul has posted, Talman is looking for two more staff to build our VFP team: A Senior VFP Developer A Senior QA + Testing professional There are details on the links about how to apply. Please note: the roles are only open to Australian permanent residents at this stage. What’s interesting about this is that we are growing our VFP team (ie they are not replacements for people leaving)...
SBTUG: Web 2.0 and Connected systems this Wed 27 June 2007
This Wednesday at Sydney Business & Technology User Group (SBTUG) we have two excellent sessions lined up. The first (Business) has Steven Ringo talking about all things Web 2.0, explaining the different offerings, but most importantly outlining how they can be useful to your business. The second (Technology) is an overview of Connected Systems by Scott Scovell. This won’t be so much...
MANAGEMENT: Hiring and firing
You may have already seen this little gem:
If not, then be dazzled by the genius of Kishor (not his real name).
Do you relate to the author’s comment towards the end?:
‘It was at that point that I realised I would never make it to the top rank of IT managers. Something else was necessary; a talent I didn’t possess. Kishor had it.’
VFP: FoxPro blogs
As noted by others, there are a two new VFP bloggers, including:
Bo Durban
Craig Boyd (not sure about this guy – tread carefully J)
Btw does anyone know what Kevin Ragsdale’s new blog address is? The new FeedBurner link he provided last week doesn’t appear to be working…