
Statistics on publishing

Dan Poynter has an interesting collection of statistics on the book industry.
Technorati Tags: Dan Poynter, Book statistics

ACS: James Crisp on .Net 3.5

I went to the Australian Computer Society (ACS) meeting in the city last Wednesday night to hear James Crisp present on .Net 3.5 and VS2008. James has his slides available here. It was a good session, with James explaining the following: – A very brief overview of WWF.– A few simple WPF examples (Flipper, Particles, 3D materials).– Next up a discussion of WCF. Then onto an...

Dan Pritchett on Architecture at eBay

Interesting article on the inner workings of eBay. I really like the functionality of this site btw. Dan Pritchett gives us an inside look into the decisions behind on of the largest scale architectures in the world: eBay. In explaining how the scale of eBay turns simple requirements a complex engineering problem, he walks us through the technical and organizational challenges of managing...

Death of the cell phone charger

Ron Mannix pointed out this cool invention that can charge devices wirelessly (from March this year). A transmitter plugs into the wall, and a dime-size receiver (the real innovation, costing about $5 to make) can be embedded into any low-voltage device. The receiver turns radio waves into DC electricity, recharging the device's battery at a distance of up to 3 feet. Technorati Tags: Wirless...

Excited about Halo 3

I'm really excited about the release of the new Halo game – Halo 3.

Now I just need to get an Xbox 360…
Technorati Tags: Halo 3

Halo 3 sales go bananas

Everyone knew it was going to be popular, but selling $300M US worth of Halo 3 in the first week, just stagggers me.

"Halo 3 is truly a cultural phenomenon," said Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, in a statement.

No kidding!
Technorati Tags: Halo 3
