Well, there’s only two weeks to go now until OzFox and I’m finalising the last bits of admin before the fun begins.
I’m a bit up and down at the moment. On the upside it is going to be a great conference, and having 3 days with these world renowned speakers is going to be a blast. I’ve finished the conference bag and goodies which was fun.
On the downside I’m stressed that there aren’t as many people coming as I would have liked. I’ve been emailing and phoning people to get them to come but the response has been poor. A few people have abused me for sending them spam (hey man these were personally sent emails) and others have criticised the conference for some really dumb reasons (eg ‘why is it starting on a Monday…’).
On the positive side all the current attendees are really excited and I’ve had heaps of support from them and other people in the community (Andrew Coates, Steven Black and Andrew MacNeill come to mind).
All the speakers are well organised and I’ve basically had no hassles at all with organisation details. I guess I’m really lucky.
For those going it will be a fantastic VFP conference. The reduced number will actually be a bonus for the attendees. It may mean it is the last VFP conference though – if there is not enough people coming to make it financially viable then I won’t be able to do it again.
So, the conference is ready, we’ve got a terrific speaker and session line up, a great venue, an Xbox room, the weather looks like being perfect and VFP9 is about to be released. Now all we need is a few more people…
It’s not too late. You can register here www.ozfox.com.au