A very interesting message over on the West Wind Message Board about FoxWiki volume
Interesting to read that of the thousands of unique daily hits, only 310 people subscribe the RSS feed. Where do people find the time? I’ve subscribed to the feed for ages, because I just don’t have the time to physically go the site every day. (The feed is http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~WikiRss btw).
Speaking of feeds, here’s some others that I assume people are using:
FoxCentral: http://www.foxcentral.net/foxcentralrssfeed.fc
West Wind Message Board: http://www.west-wind.com/wwthreads/wwThreadsRssFeed.wwt
These days the only time I go to a web site (such as FoxWiki) is in order to add or change a topic, add a comment to a blog,… or because it is UT (which sadly has no RSS feed for the forum).
All the VFP blogs are here (but you knew that already right?):