SBTUG: Report on last meeting – Online marketing and MOSS & BI


A great meeting with Fred Schebesta and Grant Paisley presenting up a storm last Wed 25 July 2007.

Fred powered through an excellent overview of internet marketing, search engine optimization and web site tracking. A big thank you to Fred for coming along, and big congratulations to him on his engagement a few days after the meeting – enjoy your holiday Fred.

Grant talked us though the new SharePoint BI tools, including PerformancePoint (slated for release this November). The power in these tools is amazing. Also shown were some of the plugins for Excel.

Check out these links for more details:

Blue Sky Thinking


  • Thank you for having me along Craig. It was a great night and thank you for the DVD. Just arrived back from Chicago and I am chock full of new and exciting ideas. I am compiling this together into a new series.

  • Thank you for having me along Craig. It was a great night and thank you for the DVD. Just arrived back from Chicago and I am chock full of new and exciting ideas. I am compiling this together into a new series.

By Craig Bailey
